S6 Foodbank @ Southern Light

  • Debt Advice
  • Food Support

Last updated:

As part of S6 Foodbank we offer debt support to anyone worried about their financial situation and debt. We work with individuals until they are debt free. We offer home visits (although we can offer phone appointments and office visits too) and are able to support clients to gather their paperwork and then our debt advisors recommend a plan to address their debt. We also have 10 foodbanks over 12 sessions per week. This provides food for anyone experience financial crisis. We will also support people with the causes of their crisis e.g., debt, budgeting, benefits check, wellbeing, housing. This support is currently being offered over our phoneline and increasingly in person at our foodbank sites.

Referral information

Please email s6foodbank@ncsheffield.org for foodbank or 0114 3210733 For Debt Support 0800 328 0006

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Contact Information

Southern Light Community Church, Tanner Street, Woodhouse, Sheffield, S13 7LA
Opening Times

Friday 11-1

Preferred contact method: